Mehmed Emin Âli Pasha, also spelled as Mehmed Emin Aali (March 5, 1815 – September 7, 1871) was a prominent Ottoman statesman during the Tanzimat period, best known as the architect of the Ottoman Reform Edict of 1856, and for his role in the Treaty of Paris (1856) that ended the Crimean War.
Âli Pasha was widely regarded as a deft and able statesman, and often credited with preventing an early break-up of the empire.Âli Pasha advocated for a western style of reform to modernize the empire, including secularization of the state and improvements to civil liberties.
He worked to pacify nationalist movements while at the same time fend off foreign aggressors that were trying to weaken Ottoman control.
He advocated for an Ottoman nationalism that would replace diverse ethnic and religious loyalties.
From humble origins as the son of a doorkeeper, Âli Pasha rose through the ranks of the Ottoman state and became the Minister of Foreign Affairs for a short time in 1840, and again in 1846.
He became Grand Vizier for a few months in 1852, then again Foreign Minister in 1854.
Between 1855 and 1871 he alternated between the two jobs, ultimately holding the position of Foreign Minister seven times and Grand Vizier five times in his lifetime.
He was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle, 1st Class (for non-Christians) in 1851.