Catherine Soullie, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Catherine Soullie

French politician

Date of Birth: 18-Jul-1954

Place of Birth: Ciré-d'Aunis, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Profession: politician

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Catherine Soullie

  • Catherine Soullie (born 18 July 1954 in Cite d'Aunis) is a French politician and Member of the European Parliament elected in the 2009 European election for the Massif Central-Centre constituency. In the 2009 European elections, she was the fourth candidate on the Union for a Popular Movement list in the Massif Central-Centre region - which made her election quasi-impossible in the 5-seat constituency.
  • However, Brice Hortefeux, then-Minister of Labour, third candidate on the list, was elected due to the UMP's surprisingly good result.
  • However, he preferred to continue in the government and Soullie, as fourth candidate on the list, replaced him.

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