Fridtjov Såheim, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Fridtjov Såheim

Norwegian actor

Date of Birth: 02-Jul-1968

Place of Birth: Norway

Profession: screenwriter, actor, film director

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Fridtjov Såheim

  • Fridtjov Såheim (born 2 July 1968) is a Norwegian stage director, stage actor and film actor. He has worked for the theatres Den Nationale Scene, Rogaland Teater and Nationaltheatret.
  • Among his characters is the title role in Woyzeck, and the protagonist "Raskolnikov" in Crime and Punishment.
  • He has staged an adaptation of Anton Chekhov's play Uncle Vanya and Jon Fosse's play Dei døde hundane at Rogaland Teater.
  • He played a principal role in the 2006 film The Art of Negative Thinking, and played the character "Ibsen" in the documentary film Løven – Henrik Ibsen.
  • In 2013 he received the Amanda Award for "Best Actor in a Supporting Role" in the film Victoria.In 2012 he began playing the role of Jan Johanson in the television series Lilyhammer, with Sopranos actor Steven Van Zandt.

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