Rose Nabinger, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Rose Nabinger

German singer

Date of Birth: 23-Oct-1958

Place of Birth: Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany

Profession: singer, jazz musician

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Rose Nabinger

  • Rose Nabinger ( born Rosemarie Nabinger, October 23, 1958) is a German jazz singer. Rose Nabinger was born in 1958 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  • She married in Marburg and lives there.
  • Her mother, Gudrun Nabinger, was a German teacher, her father worked at AFN American Forces Network Frankfurt.
  • Her father brought home the jazz records of AFN.
  • She began singing regularly with the German jazz band "Kreisjazzwerkerschaft" in Germany and Europe.
  • She recorded several songs with them, including "Miss Jenny's Ball" and "Ich hab' 'ne Schwäche für Dich", a song she co-wrote, that brought her public acclaim. Nabinger is a famous member of the Union of writers and artists, which is a part of the large German trade union Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft Ver.di.
  • She is Member of the Federal Executive Committee of the ver.di service group for music.
  • She was elected "Deputy chair of the Ver.di Federal Commission for the Self-Employed". She toured Europe with the "Kreisjazzwerkerschaft" and toured Hesse, Germany with Illinois Jacquet and Sweets Edison.
  • She made numerous guest appearances on television shows.

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