Herman Travnikov (Russian: ?????? ?????????? ?????????; born December 15, 1937 in Mekhonskoye village, Kargapolsky District of Chelyabinsk Oblast of Russia (now Shatrovskoye District of Kurgan Oblast)) - Soviet and Russian artist having the highest title of the Russian Federation in
the field of fine art «People's Artist of the Russian Federation» since 2007.
He has a wide range of works.
Working in oil, watercolor and tempera paintings, Herman Travnikov refers to different genres - from common to animalistic.
Above all he is known for his watercolor landscapes and portraits.
"I work in different techniques but watercolours seem to be the most sympathetic and sensitive to the motions of human heart.
I believe that just watercolours will help me to express what i appreciate in art - truth and beauty".