Evgeny Feoktistov, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Evgeny Feoktistov

Date of Birth: 14-Apr-1828

Place of Birth: Kaluga, Kaluga Oblast, Russia

Date of Death: 16-Jun-1898

Profession: writer, historian, journalist

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Evgeny Feoktistov

  • Evgeny Mikhaylovich Feoktistov (Russian: ??????? ?????????? ??????????, 1828, — 28 June 1898) was a Kaluga-born Russian journalist, editor, historian and, later in his life, state official. A Moscow University alumnus, Feoktistov started out as an essayist and journalist.
  • Contributing to Moskovskiye Vedomosti, Russky Vestnik, Sovremennik, and Otechestvennye Zapiski, he published numerous articles on Russian history and current politics.
  • Three of his major works came out as separate editions, "Greece's Fight for Independence" (1863), "Magnitsky.
  • The Materials for the History of Education in Russia" (1865), and "Russia and Prussia's Relations in the Reign of Elizaveta Petrovna" (1882).
  • He also edited Russkaya Rech and the Journal of the Ministry of Education. Having started out as a liberal, Feoktisov later turned conservative and monarchist.
  • In 1883-1896 he served as the head of the Interior Ministry's Press department (Russia's 'censor-in-chief'), his very name becoming the symbol of the severity of Alexander III's censorship.
  • Once Otechestvennye Zapiski's respected author, he proved to be the one who finally closed this magazine, as well as the newspaper Golos.
  • Ironically, Feoktistov's own memoirs Behind the Curtains of Politics and Literature (?? ???????? ???????? ? ??????????), containing fierce criticism of the Tsarist bureaucracy and later compared to Saltykov-Shchedrin's satires, proved to be so contentious, they could be published only in 1929, in the Soviet Union.

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