Sandra Laoura, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Sandra Laoura

freestyle skier

Date of Birth: 21-Jul-1980

Place of Birth: Constantine, Constantine Province, Algeria

Profession: freestyle skier

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Sandra Laoura

  • Sandra Laoura (born July 21, 1980 in Constantine, Algeria) is a French freestyle skier of Algerian origin who competed at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy.
  • Laoura won bronze in the women's moguls event. On January 5, 2007, during a training session for a World Cup event at Mont Gabriel (Quebec, Canada), she landed on her head and fractured two thoracic vertebrae.
  • She underwent surgical intervention aiming to repair the fractured vertebrae, but lost the use of her legs.
  • She traveled to both Portugal and Russia for intensive rehabilitation therapy.

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