Olegar Fedoro, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Olegar Fedoro

Soviet and Spanish actor

Date of Birth: 06-Mar-1958

Place of Birth: Soviet Union

Profession: actor

Nationality: Spain, United States, Russia

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Olegar Fedoro

  • Olegar Fedoro (born 6 March 1958) is a Ukrainian-born former Soviet performer who later became a Spanish and then English actor. He enrolled in the acclaimed VGIK Film School (All-Russian State University of Cinematography) where before him studied his colleagues of the profession and friends Andrei Tarkovski, Kira Muratova and Sergei Parajanov.
  • After graduating from VGIK he started with a work for Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker (1979).
  • He is perhaps best known for his roles: Fyodor Dostoyevsky in the Canadian TV series Russia (1986) based on Peter Ustinov's book Jesuit Priest Tebaldo in Moroccan-Spanish film The Battle of the Three Kings (1990) Muhammed XIII ("El Zagal" the Valiant), penultimate King of Granada and uncle to Boabdil, in Spanish TV series Requiem for Granada (1991) Mad storyteller in Jonathan Glazer's Karmacoma by Massive Attack (1995), where he keeps mumbling in a dazed manner: "I am...
  • a dangerous...
  • person" Adolf Hitler in Simon Brasse's Sanhedrin (2004) Jack the Ripper in The Notebooks of Cornelius Crow (2005) Tasha's father in Jan Dunn Dogme film Gypo (2005) Christopher Columbus in History Channel's Columbus: The Lost Voyage (2007) The tattooist in David Cronenberg's film Eastern Promises (2007), where he was also the Ukrainian-Russian dialect coach to Viggo Mortensen in his 2008 Oscar-nominated role. The father in Madonna's directorial debut Filth and Wisdom (2008) Andrei Ivanov in Pedro Touceda's road movie Polillas (2008) The Rock Boat's helmsman in Richard Curtis' comedy The Boat That Rocked (2009). He was the Russian dialect coach to John Malkovich in Siberian Education (2012).

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