Taqtasev Möxämmäthadi Xäyrulla uli (pronounced [t?q'ta??f mœxæ?mæth?'d?? xæ?ru'la u'l?]; Tatar Cyrillic: ???????? ????????h??? ???????? ???, Russian: ???????? ??????????? ???????????, Taktashev Mukhametkhadi Khayrullovich), better known as Hadi Taqtas ([h?'d?? t?q'ta?]; Cyrillic: ???? ??????; Tatar Cyrillic: ???? ??????, also anglicized as Hadi Taktash, [h?'di t?k't??]) (1901, Surgod, Tambov Governorate – 1931) was a Soviet Tatar poet, writer and publicist.
His early verses have a tendency to symbolism: romantic ballades ?????????? (The Azraels, 1916), ????????? ????????? (The Killed Prophet, 1918), tragedy verse ??? ?????? (The Sons of the Earth, 1923), poems ???????? h?? ???????? (The Centuries and The Minutes, 1924), ???????? ??????? (The Oath of Love, 1927), ???? (1929), ????????? ?????? (The Letters to the Future, 1931).
His innovative poem ??????? (1929) and verse ????? ???? (The Forest Girl, 1922) had unusual rhythmic system for the Tatar verse before Taqtas.
He also wrote several dramas, ???????? ???????? (The Buried Weapons, 1927), ??????? ???????? (The Lost Beauty, 1929.), ????? (1930).
He also wrote several publicist articles.
The complete publishing of his writings issued after his death include ??????? (1-3 t.