Anatoly Moiseevich Vershik (Russian: ?????´??? ?????´???? ??´????; born on 28 December 1933 in Leningrad) is a Soviet and Russian mathematician.
He is most famous for his joint work with Sergei V.
Kerov on representations of infinite symmetric groups and applications to the longest increasing subsequences.
Vershik studied at Leningrad State University, receiving his doctoral degree in 1974; his advisor was Vladimir Rokhlin.He works at the Steklov Institute of Mathematics and at Saint Petersburg State University.
In 1998–2008 he was the president of the St.
Petersburg Mathematical Society.
In 2012 Vershik became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.
In 2015, he has been elected a member of Academia Europaea.
His doctoral students include Alexander Barvinok, Dmitri Burago, Anna Erschler, Sergey Fomin, and Sergei Kerov.
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