Helen Fisher (anthropologist), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Helen Fisher (anthropologist)

Canadian anthropologist

Date of Birth: 31-May-1947

Place of Birth: Manhattan, New York, United States

Profession: anthropologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Helen Fisher (anthropologist)

  • Helen E.
  • Fisher (born May 31, 1945) is an American anthropologist, human behavior researcher, and self-help author.
  • She is a biological anthropologist, is a senior research fellow, at The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, and a member of the Center For Human Evolutionary Studies in the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University.
  • Prior to Rutgers University, she was a research associate at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. She is a leading expert on the biology of love and attraction.
  • Fisher said that when she began researching for her dissertation, she considered the one thing all humans have in common – their reproductive strategies.
  • She is now the most referenced scholar in the love research community.
  • In 2005, she was hired by match.com to help build chemistry.com, which used her research and experience to create both hormone-based and personality-based matching systems.
  • She was one of the main speakers at the 2006 and 2008 TED conference.
  • On January 30, 2009, she was featured in an ABC News 20/20 special, Why Him? Why Her? The Science of Seduction, where she discussed her most recent research on brain chemistry and romantic love. She appears in the 2014 documentary film about heart-break and loneliness, entitled Sleepless in New York and the 2017 PBS Nova special on computerized dating, 'How to Find Love Online'.

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