Hans Edvard Wisløff, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Hans Edvard Wisløff

Bishop of the Church of Norway

Date of Birth: 10-May-1902

Place of Birth: Moss, Eastern Norway, Norway

Date of Death: 14-Sep-1969

Profession: writer, priest, theologian

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Hans Edvard Wisløff

  • Hans Edvard Wisløff (1902–1969) was a Norwegian theologian and writer.
  • He was also the Bishop of the Diocese of Sør-Hålogaland from 1959 until his death in 1969. Wisløff received his Cand.theol.
  • degree in 1926 from the MF Norwegian School of Theology in Oslo.
  • He spent most of his career serving in several parishes in the Oslo area.
  • He was the assistant pastor in Oppegård from 1926 until 1932.
  • Then from 1932 until 1940 he served as the priest for the Tøyen Church.
  • From 1940 until 1945 he worked as the resident chaplain at the Trefoldighet Church.
  • From 1945 until 1954 he was the general secretary of the Indremisjonsselskapet mission society and the editor of the For fattig og rik newspaper.
  • From 1954 until 1959, he worked as the parish priest of the Markus Church.
  • In 1959, he was appointed the Bishop of the Diocese of Sør-Hålogaland, a post he held until his death in 1969.Wisløff's parents were Johan Martin Wisløff and Tora Hansen and his cousin was Carl Fredrik Wisløff.

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