Adolphe Chenevière, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Adolphe Chenevière

fin de siècle Swiss novelist, short story writer, and literary scholar

Date of Birth: 30-Jan-1855

Place of Birth: Geneva, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland

Date of Death: 07-Jul-1917

Profession: writer, journalist

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Adolphe Chenevière

  • Adolphe Chenevière, D.ès.L.
  • (1855–1917) was a fin de siècle Swiss novelist, short story writer, and literary scholar.Adolphe Chenevière was born to Arthur Chenevière (a state counsellor for the canton of Geneva) and Susanne Firmine (née Munier).
  • He earned a doctorate from the University of Paris; his thesis, Bonaventure Des Périers, sa vie, sa poésie, examined the life and poetic works of the 16th-century author Bonaventure des Périers.
  • E.
  • Plon published the thesis in 1885.
  • Having completed his studies, Chenevière married Blanche Ernestine Augustine Lugol. In 1886, Plon published De Plutarchi Familiaribus, Chenevière's Latin dissertation on Plutarch.
  • Meanwhile, Chenevière and his wife had their first son, Jacques Chenevière, who was born in Paris.
  • In 1888, their second son, André Alfred, was born, but he did not survive infancy; Chenevière's mother, too, died that year.From the late 1880s through the end of the century, he wrote a steady series of novels, including various romances published by Alphonse Lemerre.
  • One of his stories, "Tonton", was translated into English and included in the third volume of the International Short Stories series published by P.F.
  • Collier & Son in 1910.
  • Stratford Magazine republished this translation in their September 1927 issue, ten years after Chenevière's death.

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