Blessed Adèle de Batz de Trenquelléon (10 June 1789 – 10 January 1828) – or "Marie of the Conception," her religious name– was a French Roman Catholic professed religious and the co-founder of the Marianist Sisters which she founded alongside Blessed William Joseph Chaminade.
As a child, her desire had been to become a Carmelite nun, though this desire never materialized; she instead focused herself on serving the poor wherever and whenever she could.
Her order was founded with the intention of serving the poor and supporting the Sodalities of the Immaculate Conception that were started by Father Chaminade and supported by Venerable Marie-Thérèse Charlotte de Lamourous as missionaries of Mary thus combining certain aspects of the Carmelite charism with this impulse to balance the aspirations of the two co-founders.Her cause for beatification opened in the mid-1960s.
On June 5, 1986, Pope John Paul II confirmed her heroic virtue and titled her as Venerable; Pope Francis approved her beatification in May 2017 (confirming a miracle attributed to her) and she was beatified in Agen on June 10, 2018, the anniversary of her birth.