Ajahn Sucitto, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Ajahn Sucitto

British Buddhist monk

Date of Birth: 04-Nov-1949

Place of Birth: London

Profession: bhikkhu

Nationality: India

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Ajahn Sucitto

  • Ajahn Sucitto (Bhikkhu Sucitto, born 4 November 1949) is a British-born Theravada Buddhist monk ("ajahn" is the Thai rendition of acarya [Sanskrit] "teacher").
  • He was, between 1992 and 2014, the abbot of Cittaviveka, Chithurst Buddhist Monastery.
  • He was born in London, and was ordained in Thailand in March 1976.
  • He returned to Britain in 1978 and took up training under Ajahn Sumedho at the Hampstead Buddhist Vihara.
  • In 1979 he was one of the small group of monks, led by Ajahn Sumedho, who established Cittaviveka, Chithurst Buddhist Monastery, in West Sussex.
  • In 1981 he was sent up to Northumberland to set up a small monastery in Harnham, which subsequently became Aruna Ratanagiri.
  • In 1984 he accompanied Ajahn Sumedho in establishing Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in Hertfordshire.
  • In 1992 he was appointed abbot of Cittaviveka.
  • On October 26, 2014, he resigned the post, but intends to continue teaching as before. Ajahn Sucitto's main work has been in teaching, editing and writing, although he was also largely responsible for the creation of the protocols and standards that flesh out the ten-precept training of the siladhara (nuns) Order.

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