Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani

Egyptian scholar

Date of Birth: 18-Feb-1372

Place of Birth: Cairo, Egypt

Date of Death: 02-Feb-1449

Profession: historian, qadi, Hafiz, muhaddith, theologian, lecturer, faqih, mufassir

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani

  • Ibn ?ajar al-?Asqalani or Ibn ?ajar (Arabic: ??? ??? ??????????, full name: Shihab al-Din Abu ’l-Fa?l A?mad b.
  • Nur al-Din ?Ali b.
  • Mu?ammad b ?ajar al-?Asqalani) (18 February 1372 – 2 February 1449 [852 A.H.]), was a medieval Shafiite Sunni Muslim scholar of Islam "whose life work constitutes the final summation of the science of hadith." He authored some 150 works on hadith, history, biography, tafsir, poetry, and Shafi'ite jurisprudence, the most valued of which being his commentary of the Sahih of Bukhari, titled Fath al-Bari.

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