Aldir Blanc, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Aldir Blanc

Brazilian composer

Date of Birth: 02-Sep-1946

Place of Birth: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Profession: composer

Nationality: Brazil

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Aldir Blanc

  • Aldir Blanc (born Aldir Blanc Mendes, on September 2, 1946) is a Brazilian author of crônicas (journalistic vignettes, chronicles) and lyricist.
  • He co-composed many songs with singer-songwriter João Bosco, guitarist Guinga, and others. Elis Regina recorded several of his songs, most notably "O bêbado e a equilibrista".
  • Another song of his is "Resposta ao tempo" (with lyrics by Cristovão Bastos), a ballad that became one of Nana Caymmi's most famous songs, and which was recorded by many other musicians thereafter, amongst them Milton Nascimento and Aldir Blanc himself. Blanc's work 1972-1987 was analyzed by Prof.
  • Charles A.
  • Perrone in Masters of Contemporary Brazilian Song MPB 1965-1985 (U Texas P, 1989).

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