Anders Manga is an American recording artist best known for his self named Darkwave work and under the name Bloody Hammers.
His first release was under the name "Coffin Moth" in 1997, a Deathrock music project.
In 2012, Anders' song "Glamour" was featured in Season 4 Episode 04 of The Vampire Diaries
In 2019, he released "The Summoning, a new album by Bloody Hammers, his heavy rock project with wife Devallia.
In late 2013 he signed Bloody Hammers to Napalm Records and have since released four albums with the label.
In 2015 he started another project inspired by horror soundtracks from the seventies and eighties called Terrortron which was featured on the Rue Morgue (magazine) compilation titled "They Came From Rue Morgue".
Anders recently announced a new Anders Manga album will be released in 2020.