Andreas Perlach, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Andreas Perlach

court astrologer to Archduke Ferdinand

Date of Birth: 17-Nov-1490

Place of Birth: Svečina, Podravska statistical region, Slovenia

Date of Death: 11-Jun-1551

Profession: astronomer, physician, astrologer, mathematician

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Andreas Perlach

  • Andreas Perlach, also known as Andreas Perlacher and Andreas Perlachius ex Wittschein Stiriensis, (1490–1551) was born in Svecina, in the Habsburg empire (now in Slovenia).
  • Perlach was the court astrologer to Archduke Ferdinand, later Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, in addition to being a practicing physician and a lecturer of mathematics and astrology at the University of Vienna.
  • He received his doctorate of medicine from the University of Vienna in 1530.Perlach is notable for his support of the use of almanacs, having lectured on their importance and usage.
  • His lectures were printed in outline form in 1519 and in full commentary in 1551.
  • He also composed annual astrological almanacs for most of his career.Perlach lectured on mathematics from 1515 to 1549 as well as astrology and its application in medicine.
  • He became dean of the Faculty of Arts, was appointed four times as dean of the Medical Faculty in Vienna, and as chancellor of the University of Vienna in 1549.
  • His tombstone is built into the wall of the St.
  • Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna.

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