Angelo Dos Santos, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Angelo Dos Santos

Portuguese musician

Date of Birth: 08-Sep-1940

Place of Birth: Águeda, Aveiro District, Portugal

Profession: harmonicist

Nationality: Portugal

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Angelo Dos Santos

  • Angelo Dos Santos was born on September 8, 1940 in Portugal in the City of Agueda.
  • At the age of 11, Dos Santos, while under his uncle's custody, Julio Dos Santos, moved to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
  • When he was a teenager, Rio De Janeiro experienced the period when Bossa Nova, western swing, and some forms of American Big Band music were combining to give birth to classical orchestral harmonica music.
  • The period featured bands such as Borrah Minnevitch and his Harmonica Rascals, and The Harmonicats. Dos Santos taught himself the harmonica and began playing professionally at 19 years old.
  • He would eventually specialize in the Chord harmonica, becoming a classical harmonica player, and the co-founder of the Harmonikings.
  • His instrument of choice was the Hohner 267/384 CHORD HARMONICA.
  • (192 holes, 384 reeds on a pair of stacked wooden combs 23" long) The Harmonikings were a Brazilian harmonica-based trio, which consisted of Angelo Dos Santos (bass harmonica), Ulysses Cazallas(chromatic lead harmonica), and Dario Pacheco (chromatic).
  • The trio was formed in 1962 and remained active until 1972 when Dos Santos moved to the United States.
  • With a vast repertoire of classical and popular songs, the Harmonikings performed on several top rated Brazilian Television and radio shows of the era.
  • The trio also headlined at various social clubs and night clubs located in Rio De Janeiro and São Paulo.
  • They recorded a 12 song LP called "No Embalo".
  • Ulysses Cazallas continued playing with the São Paulo based Curitiba Harmonica Orquestra until his death in 2006.
  • Dos Santos remained a contributor to the group throughout its existence, working on arrangements and occasionally recording.
  • He is currently a member of the Garden State Harmonica Club, in Paramus, New Jersey.
  • Dos Santos resides in Newark, New Jersey with wife Jandyra Dos Santos, and has a son, daughter-in-law, and two grandchildren.

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