Anna Lomax Wood, Date of Birth


Anna Lomax Wood

American anthropologist

Date of Birth: 20-Nov-1944

Profession: historian, anthropologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Anna Lomax Wood

  • Anna Lomax Wood (born November 20, 1944) is an anthropologist and public folklorist.
  • She is the President of the Association for Cultural Equity (ACE), established in 1985 by her father, legendary musicologist Alan Lomax.
  • In 1996, when Alan Lomax was disabled by a stroke, Wood took responsibility for overseeing his archive, housed at Hunter College, and implementing his unfinished projects, most notably the production, which she undertook in 1997 with Jeffry Greenberg, of the Alan Lomax Collection on Rounder Records a series of more than 100 CD's in ten series, of music recorded by Alan Lomax in the deep South, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, the British Isles, Ireland, Spain and Italy.
  • Upon her father's death in 2002, ACE worked with the Library of Congress to preserve, restore, digitize, and transfer Alan Lomax's original recordings, photographs, and videos to the Library's American Folklife Center,}} In 2005, Wood and Mr.
  • Greenberg produced an 8-CD box set issued on Rounder: Jelly Roll Morton: The Complete Library of Congress Recordings by Alan Lomax.
  • In 2009, she produced the 10-CD, Alan Lomax in Haiti, issued by Harte Records.

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