Aralumallige Parthasarathy, Date of Birth


Aralumallige Parthasarathy

writer and lecturer, Dasa Sahitya.

Date of Birth: 22-Mar-1948

Profession: historian, author

Nationality: India

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Aralumallige Parthasarathy

  • Aralumallige Parthsarathy (born 22 March 1948 in Bangalore, India) is an international scholar and expert in the field of Dasa Sahitya, which preaches the values and culture of the historic Bhakthi movement, practiced through the centuries in the Haridasa Sahitya and taking its lineage from Madhwacharya.
  • He is the author of 52 books and 35 audio CDs, has undertaken international lecture tours, and is the recipient of many national and international awards.

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