Arief Budiman, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Arief Budiman

Indonesian activist

Date of Birth: 03-Jan-1941

Place of Birth: Jakarta, Indonesia

Profession: politician

Nationality: Indonesia

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Arief Budiman

  • Arief Budiman (born Soe Hok Djin; January 3, 1939) (Chinese: ???) is the older brother of Soe Hok Gie.
  • He graduated from Kolese Kanisius, a Jesuit high school and then Universitas Indonesia where he earned a bachelor's degree in psychology in 1968.
  • In 1980, he earned his Ph.D.
  • in sociology from Harvard University, United States.
  • He is a Chinese Indonesian sociologist and was a lecturer at the Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia until 1996.
  • From 1997 until the time of this writing, he is a professor in Indonesian studies in University of Melbourne, Australia. He is a vocal critic of Indonesian politics.
  • For example, he is quoted in Adam Schwarz's book A Nation in Waiting (1994 edition) as having elucidated the following analysis of third world democracy in 1992, while Suharto was still in power: "The first is what I would call loan democracy.
  • This democracy exists when the state is very strong so it can afford to be criticised.
  • A sort of democratic space then emerges in which people can express their opinions freely.
  • However, when the state thinks the criticism has gone too far, it will simply take back the democracy that it has only lent.
  • The people have no power to resist.
  • There is, second, limited democracy.
  • This democracy exists only when there is a conflict among the state elites ...
  • People can criticise one faction of the 'powers that be' and be protected by the opposite faction ...
  • However, when the conflict within the elite is over, this democratic space will probably disappear also."

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