Armin Pavic (Požega, March 29, 1844 – Zagreb, February 11, 1914) was Croatian linguist, university professor and rector of the University of Zagreb.
He received a degree in Classical philology and Slavic studies in Vienna in 1864.
After his service as a high school professor, he was elected as a professor of Croatian language and literature at the Cathedra for Serbo-Croatian language at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb.
In 1880 he was appointed as a full professor.
He served as a dean of the faculty in two mandates, before being elected as a rector of the university in the academic year 1896/1897.
After his rectorship mandate expired, he served as a prorector the following academic year.
As a university professor Pavic strove to keep the coherence of Serbo-Croatian studies, teaching simultaneously linguistic and literary-scientific courses.
He became regular member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1874.
In the period of 1898-1904 he served as a head of the departments for theology and teaching, and as a parliament representative.
Pavic published theater and literary critics in many magazines, mostly in Vienac.
He studied Palmotic and Gundulic, especially his Osman on which he published three papers.