Arnold Gundersen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Arnold Gundersen

American nuclear engineer

Date of Birth: 04-Jan-1949

Place of Birth: Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States

Profession: engineer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Arnold Gundersen

  • Arnold "Arnie" Gundersen (born January 4, 1949 in Elizabeth, New Jersey) is a former nuclear industry executive, and engineer with more than 44 years of nuclear industry experience who became a whistleblower in 1990.
  • Gundersen has written dozens of expert reports for nongovernment organizations and the state of Vermont.
  • His curriculum vitae shows Gundersen is a licensed Critical Facility Reactor Operator from 1971-1972.Gundersen questioned the safety of the Westinghouse AP1000, a proposed third-generation nuclear reactor and has expressed concerns about the operation of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant.
  • He served as an expert witness in the investigation of the Three Mile Island accident and has provided commentary on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.

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