Robert Van Valin Jr., Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Robert Van Valin Jr.


Date of Birth: 01-Feb-1952

Place of Birth: United States of America, United States

Profession: university teacher, linguist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Robert Van Valin Jr.

  • Robert D.
  • Van Valin Jr (born February 1, 1952) is an American linguist and the principal researcher behind the development of Role and Reference Grammar, a functional theory of grammar encompassing syntax, semantics and discourse pragmatics.
  • His 1997 book (with Randy J.
  • LaPolla) Syntax: structure, meaning and function is an attempt to provide a model for syntactic analysis which is just as relevant for languages like Dyirbal and Lakhota as it is for more commonly studied Indo-European languages. Instead of positing a rich innate and universal syntactic structure (see Universal Grammar), Van Valin suggests that the only truly universal parts of a sentence are its nucleus, housing a predicating element such as a verb or adjective, and the core of the clause, containing the arguments, normally noun phrases, or adpositional phrases, that the predicate in the nucleus requires.
  • Van Valin also departs from Chomskyan syntactic theory by not allowing abstract underlying forms or transformational rules and derivations.

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