Baghdasar Arzoumanian, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Baghdasar Arzoumanian

Baghdasar Arzoumanian was a leading 20th century Armenian architect based in Yerevan Armenia, author of 8 Armenian churches, Alex and Marie Manoogian museum, the Golden Alphabet, the Golden Cross, and numerous other projects.

Date of Birth: 01-Jan-1916

Place of Birth: Mutsk, Syunik Province, Armenia

Date of Death: 19-Nov-2001

Profession: architect

Nationality: Armenia

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Baghdasar Arzoumanian

  • Baghdasar Arzoumanian (1916 - 2001) (Armenian: ???????? ???????????, also Bagdasar, Paghtasar, Paghtassar, Baghdik, Bagdik, Arzumanian, Arzoumanyan, Arzumanyan) was an Armenian architect and designer based in Yerevan, Armenia.
  • He was the author of a large corpus of civil and religious buildings as well as many smaller design works.

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