Balakrishna (Kannada actor), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Balakrishna (Kannada actor)


Date of Birth: 02-Nov-1913

Place of Birth: Arsikere, Karnataka, India

Date of Death: 19-Jul-1995

Profession: actor

Nationality: India

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Balakrishna (Kannada actor)

  • T.N.Balakrishna (2 November 1911 – 19 July 1995) was an Indian actor in the Kannada film industry.
  • He was said to have a hearing problem and some say that he was totally deaf.
  • However, he would catch the lip movements of the artists and would narrate the dialogues spontaneously.
  • He was popular for his comic and villainous roles in films like Muriyada Mane (1964), Bangaarada Manushya (1972), Gandhada Gudi (1973) and Kaamana Billu (1983) and appeared in over a hundred films that starred Rajkumar in the lead role.Balakrishna is known to have played the most number of roles in Kannada cinema, having appeared in over 560 films as a hero, villain, comedian, good Samaritan, loving father and lunatic.
  • Sudha Chandran is his ex-daughter in law.

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