Barbara Ostfeld, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Barbara Ostfeld

American cantor; Jewish history's first ordained female cantor

Date of Birth: 24-Dec-1952

Place of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Profession: cantor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Barbara Ostfeld

  • Barbara Jean Ostfeld (born 1952) is Jewish history's first ordained female cantor.
  • She was ordained in 1975 by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
  • From 1976 through 1988, she served Temple Beth-El of Great Neck as cantor.
  • From 1990 through 2002 she was a cantor at Temple Beth Am (now Congregation Shir Shalom) of Buffalo, NY.From 1996 to 1998, she chaired the Joint Cantorial Placement Commission of the American Conference of Cantors; she has also served it as a secretary, vice president, Northeast regional representative, and member of its board of directors.
  • In September 2002, she was appointed its placement director.In March 2000, as she marked 25 years of congregational service, she received an honorary doctorate in Sacred Music from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
  • She retired from her position with the American Conference of Cantors in 2012.She is the author of a memoir, CATBIRD: The Ballad of Barbi Prim, which was released in 2019 by Erva Press.

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