Barry Wynn, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Barry Wynn

South Carolina politician

Date of Birth: 01-Jun-1945

Place of Birth: Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States

Profession: businessperson

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Barry Wynn

  • Barry Wynn (born June 1, 1945) is a former chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party. Wynn is the CEO of South Colonial Group, Inc, which markets private trusts and investment advice to companies and executives in the Southeast’s shrinking textile industry.
  • He was the state finance chair of the first President Bush’s failed 1992 reelection campaign; then-Senator John Ashcroft consulted Wynn about whether or not he should seek the GOP’s presidential nomination in 2000.
  • Wynn also has been finance chair of the campaigns of Senator Jim DeMint.

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