Bedrettin Dalan, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Bedrettin Dalan

Turkish mayor

Date of Birth: 18-Jul-1941

Place of Birth: Bayburt, Turkey

Profession: politician

Nationality: Turkey

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Bedrettin Dalan

  • Bedrettin Dalan (born 18 July 1941) is a Turkish engineer, former politician and the first mayor of Greater Istanbul.
  • He is the founder of ISTEK Vakfi, a foundation for education and culture, and Yeditepe University in Istanbul. He is charged in the Ergenekon trials, and is the subject of an Interpol red notice.
  • In late 2011 Germany declined a request to extradite Dalan.
  • Prosecutors claim that Dalan was the organization's "number three", and was one of the architects of the 1997 "post-modern coup".

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