Bee Ho Gray, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Bee Ho Gray

American banjoist, actor and circus performer

Date of Birth: 07-Apr-1885

Date of Death: 03-Aug-1951

Profession: actor, banjoist, circus performer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Bee Ho Gray

  • Bee Ho Gray (born Emberry Cannon Gray on April 7, 1885, in Leon, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory – August 3, 1951 in Pueblo, Colorado) was a Western performer who spent fifty years displaying his skills in Wild West shows, vaudeville, circus, silent films and radio.
  • While he was primarily known as an expert at trick roping, he was also skilled with knife throwing, bullwhips (specifically the Australian black snake whip), trick riding and the banjo.
  • He wove all of these skills together in a homely comic routine.
  • Throughout his long career he was constantly compared to Will Rogers, which was befitting, considering the two performers worked together several times and developed their acts together in the early 1900s.[1]

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