Benjamin Taylor (author), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Benjamin Taylor (author)

American writer

Date of Birth: 20-Aug-1952

Place of Birth: Fort Worth, Texas, United States

Profession: writer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Benjamin Taylor (author)

  • Benjamin Taylor (born 1952) is an American writer whose work has appeared in a number of publications including Harper's, Esquire, Bookforum, BOMB, the Los Angeles Times, Le Monde, The Georgia Review, Raritan Quarterly Review, Threepenny Review, Salmagundi, Provincetown Arts and The Reading Room.
  • He is a founding member of the Graduate Writing Program faculty of The New School in New York City, and has also taught at Washington University in St.
  • Louis, the Poetry Center of the 92nd Street Y, Bennington College and Columbia University.
  • He has served as Secretary of the Board of Trustees of PEN American Center, has been a fellow of the MacDowell Colony and was awarded the Iphigene Ochs Sulzberger Residency at Yaddo.
  • A Trustee of the Edward F.
  • Albee Foundation, Inc., he is also a Fellow of the New York Institute for the Humanities at New York University and a Guggenheim Fellow for 2012 - 2013.
  • Taylor's biography of Marcel Proust, Proust: The Search, was published in October 2015 by Yale University Press as part of its newly launched Yale Jewish Lives series.

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