Ebussuud Efendi, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ebussuud Efendi

Ottoman Grand Mufti

Date of Birth: 30-Dec-1490

Place of Birth: Amadiya, Dohuk Governorate, Iraq

Date of Death: 23-Aug-1574

Profession: judge

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Ebussuud Efendi

  • Ebussuud Efendi (Turkish: Muhammad EbussuĂ»d Efendi, b.
  • 30 December 1490 – d.
  • 23 August 1574) was a Hanafi Ottoman jurist and Qur'an exegete.
  • He was also called "El-ImâdĂ®" because his family was from Imâd, a village near Iskilip.Ebussuud was the son of Iskilipli Sheikh Muhiddin Muhammad Efendi.
  • In the 1530s, Ebussuud served as judge in Bursa, Istanbul and Rumelia, where he brought local laws into conformity with Islamic law (sharia).
  • Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent promoted him to Shaykh al-Islam – supreme judge and highest official – in 1545, an office Ebussuud held until his death and which he brought to the peak of its power.
  • He worked closely with the Sultan, issuing judicial opinions that legitimised Suleiman's killings of Yazidis and his successor Selim's attack on Cyprus.
  • Ebussuud also issued fatwas which labeled the Qizilbash, regardless of whether they lived on Iranian or Ottoman soil, as "heretics", and declared that killing them would be viewed as praiseworthy, other than just being allowed according to law.Together with Suleiman, the "Lawgiver", Ebussuud reorganized Ottoman jurisprudence and brought it under tighter governmental control, creating a legal framework joining sharia and the Ottoman administrative code (qanun).
  • While the previously prevailing opinion held that judges were free to interpret sharia, the law that even the ruler was subject to, Ebussuud instituted a framework in which the judicial power was derived from the Sultan's and which compelled judges to follow the Sultan's qanun-names, "law-letters", in their application of the law.In addition to his judicial reforms, Ebussuud is also remembered for the great variety of fatwas he issued.
  • His opinions allowing Karagöz plays and the consumption of coffee, a novelty at the time, are particularly celebrated.

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