Bernhard Preim, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Bernhard Preim

German computer scientist

Date of Birth: 12-Oct-1969

Place of Birth: Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Profession: computer scientist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Bernhard Preim

  • Bernhard Preim (born 1969) is a specialist in human–computer interface design as well as in visual computing for medicine.
  • He is currently professor of visualization at University of Magdeburg, Germany. Preim received the diploma in computer science in 1994 (minor in mathematics) and a PhD in 1998 from the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (PhD thesis "Interactive Illustrations and Animations for the Exploration of Spatial Relations", supervised by Thomas Strothotte).
  • In 1999, he joined the staff of MeVis (Center for Medical Diagnosis System and Visualization, headed by Heinz-Otto Peitgen).
  • In close collaboration with radiologists and surgeons, he directed the work on "computer-aided planning in liver surgery" and initiated several projects funded by the German Research Council in the area of computer-aided surgery.
  • In June 2002, he received the Habilitation degree (venia legendi) for computer science from the University of Bremen.
  • Since Mars 2003 he is full professor for "Visualization" at the computer science department at the Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg, heading a research group which is focussed on medical visualization and applications in surgical education and surgery planning.
  • These developments are summarized in a comprehensive textbook Visualization in Medicine (Co-author Dirk Bartz), which appeared at Morgan Kaufmann in June 2007. Bernhard Preim was founding speaker of the working group Medical Visualization in the German Society for Computer Science (2003–2012).
  • He is the chair of the scientific advisory board of ICCAS and since 2013 president of the CURAC (German Society for Computer- and Roboter-assisted Surgery, [1]) and Visiting Professor at the University of Bremen where he closely collaborates with MeVis Research (now Fraunhofer MEVIS).
  • Together with Charl Botha, TU Delft, he founded the VCBM Eurographics workshop series.

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