Bjørn Røse, Date of Birth


Bjørn Røse

Norwegian civil servant

Date of Birth: 24-Apr-1951

Profession: civil servant

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Bjørn Røse

  • Bjørn Røse (born 24 April 1951) is a Norwegian civil servant. A siviløkonom by education, he graduated from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in 1974.
  • He worked in Oslo municipality from 1989 to 2007, the last year as acting city director.
  • In 2007 he was hired as director of the Norwegian Customs and Excise Authorities, replacing Marit Wiig, who had sat through the maximum of eight years.
  • During parts of her tenure, Øystein Haraldsen had been acting director.

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