Blake Sennett, Date of Birth


Blake Sennett

American actor-singer

Date of Birth: 22-Sep-1976

Profession: actor, singer, guitarist, television actor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Blake Sennett

  • Blake Sennett (born September 22, 1973) is an American musician who served as the lead guitarist for indie rock band Rilo Kiley, as well as the lead singer/lead guitarist for his alt-rock side project the Elected.
  • Until recently, he led Night Terrors of 1927 with Jarrod Gorbel.
  • In addition to being a musician, Sennett was a child actor, appearing on the television shows Salute Your Shorts and Boy Meets World.
  • As an actor, Sennett originally went by the names Blake Soper and Blake Swendson.

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