Brian Andreas (born 1956) is the pen name of Kai Andreas Skye, an American writer, artist, publisher and speaker widely known for his simple and poetic short stories of 50 to 100 words, often accompanied by distinctive color drawings.
The stories range from wry comic commentary to elegant and direct meditations on themes of love, relationships, and being alive now.
His two dimensional work takes the form of books incorporating drawings and writings, color prints of his drawings and short stories, as well as greeting cards and calendars.
The mixed-media sculptures incorporating salvaged wood in deliberately crude shapes, bright colors, hand drawings (especially faces) and rubber-stamped imprints of his writings went out of production in June, 2015.In 1994, Andreas founded an Iowa company, StoryPeople, to distribute his work worldwide.
In 2012 he founded, a collaborative digital storytelling platform.
In 2014, he founded as a platform for his original art and his other creative projects.
In 2015, he was a key collaborator in the formation of A Hundred Ways North, a company focused on using stories and workshops to transform the ways people find and sustain community.
In 2016, he signed an exclusive arrangement to distribute his new writing and artwork with Flying Edna and that continues to be the case today.
In 2016, Andreas legally changed his name to Kai Andreas Skye.
He continues to use the pen name Brian Andreas in his published work.
Per a 2019 divorce decree in Iowa, Andreas no longer holds any rights to his art and writing before September 2012, nor is he associated with StoryPeople, the company he founded and created.
His earlier stories, prints and books to September 2012 continue to be released by StoryPeople.
The work created after September 2012 is published for both national and international audiences by Flying Edna.
He currently lives in Montana.