Bryan Grey Yambao, also known as Bryanboy, is a Filipino fashion blogger, socialite and businessman.
A former web developer, he started blogging at age 24 from his parents' Manila home.His eponymous blog won the 2007 Philippine Blog Award for Best Fashion & Lifestyle Blog.
The New York Post named him one of the nine hottest internet celebrities, and has called him "one of Fashion 2.0’s biggest superstars" and a "phenom in the fashion blogosphere".
His blog, called "hysterically camp" by the Sydney Morning Herald, is known for its "witty and often bitchy commentary." He was featured as the social media correspondent on the panel of Cycle 19 & 20 of America's Next Top Model.Bryanboy fans often send in photos of themselves in his signature pose—standing with hips thrust to one side and a handbag in an outstretched arm—or with handwritten signs declaring "I <3 Bryanboy"; celebrity participants have included Marc Jacobs, Tanya Dziahileva, Alexandra Agoston, and Rachel Clark.
Though no brand spokesman commented on the matter, it was reported that Bryanboy's trademark pose was referenced in two 2006 Fendi advertisements.
Marc Jacobs named a handbag after him (the BB ostrich bag) after Bryanboy posted about it in his blog.