Babak Zanjani, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Babak Zanjani

Iranian businessman

Date of Birth: 12-Mar-1974

Place of Birth: Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran

Profession: businessperson, entrepreneur

Nationality: Iran

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Babak Zanjani

  • Babak Morteza Zanjani (Persian: ???? ????? ???????, born 12 March 1974) is an Iranian billionaire and business magnate.
  • He was the managing director of the UAE-based Sorinet Group, one of Iran's largest business conglomerates.
  • In late 2013, he was arrested and accused of withholding $2.7 billion of government money owned by the Ministry of Petroleum, in his attempts to facilitate Iran's oil revenue hindered by the sanctions against Iran.
  • He was convicted of corruption, sentenced to death and is currently awaiting execution. Several commentators have stated that Zanjani is perhaps a “fall guy” for corruption scandals in Iran.

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