Harold Hitz Burton, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Harold Hitz Burton

United States federal judge

Date of Birth: 22-Jun-1888

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Date of Death: 28-Oct-1964

Profession: judge, lawyer, politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Harold Hitz Burton

  • Harold Hitz Burton (June 22, 1888 – October 28, 1964) was an American politician and lawyer.
  • He served as the 45th mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, as a U.S.
  • Senator from Ohio, and as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Born in Boston, Burton practiced law in Cleveland after graduating from Harvard Law School.
  • After serving in the United States Army during World War I, Burton became active in Republican Party politics and won election to the Ohio House of Representatives.
  • After serving as the mayor of Cleveland, Burton won election to the United States Senate in 1940.
  • After the retirement of Associate Justice Owen J.
  • Roberts, President Harry S.
  • Truman successfully nominated Burton to the Supreme Court.
  • Burton served on the Court until 1958, when he was succeeded by Potter Stewart. Burton was known as a dispassionate, pragmatic, somewhat plodding jurist who preferred to rule on technical and procedural rather than constitutional grounds.
  • He was also seen as an affable justice who helped ease tension on the court during an extremely acrimonious time.
  • He wrote the majority opinion in Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee v.
  • McGrath (1951) and Lorain Journal Co.
  • v.
  • United States (1951).
  • He also helped shape the Court's unanimous decision in Brown v.
  • Board of Education (1954).

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