Charles Roy Henderson, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Charles Roy Henderson

American biostatistician and a pioneer in animal breeding

Date of Birth: 01-Apr-1911

Place of Birth: Coin, Iowa, United States

Date of Death: 14-Mar-1989

Profession: university teacher, statistician, geneticist, biostatistician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Charles Roy Henderson

  • Charles Roy Henderson ((1911-04-01)April 1, 1911 – (1989-03-14)March 14, 1989) was an American statistician and a pioneer in animal breeding — the application of quantitative methods for the genetic evaluation of domestic livestock.
  • This is critically important because it allows farmers and geneticists to predict whether a crop or animal will have a desired trait, and to what extent the trait will be expressed.
  • He developed mixed model equations to obtain best linear unbiased predictions of breeding values and, in general, any random effect.
  • He invented three methods for the estimation of variance components in unbalanced settings of mixed models, and invented a method for constructing the inverse of Wright's numerator relationship matrix based on a simple list of pedigree information.
  • He, with his Ph.D.
  • student Shayle R.
  • Searle, greatly extended the use of matrix notation in statistics.
  • His methods are widely used by the domestic livestock industry throughout the world and are a cornerstone of linear model theory. Henderson obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc.(nutrition) and Ph.D.(breeding) degrees at Iowa State University, where he was a student of Professor L.
  • N.
  • Hazel.
  • Henderson joined the faculty of the Department of Animal Science at Cornell University in 1948, and headed the Animal Breeding division for nearly 30 years until he retired in 1976.
  • After retiring from Cornell, he was a visiting professor at the University of Guelph and University of Illinois until his death.
  • He completed his book in 1984 at the University of Guelph.

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