Chaudhari Kumbharam Arya, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Chaudhari Kumbharam Arya

Indian politician

Date of Birth: 10-May-1914

Place of Birth: Patiala, Punjab, India

Date of Death: 26-Oct-1995

Profession: politician

Nationality: India

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Chaudhari Kumbharam Arya

  • Chaudhary Kumbharam Arya (10 May 1914 – 26 October 1995) was a freedom fighter, parliamentarian and popular leader of farmers in Rajasthan, India.Shri Kumbha Ram Arya was a member of Seventh Lok Sabha during 1980-84 representing Sikar Parliamentary constituency of Rajasthan.
  • Earlier, he was a member of Rajya Sabha during 1960-64 and 1969-74. He had been a member of Rajasthan Legislative Assembly during 1952-57 and 1964–66 and also served as a Minister in the State Council of Ministers and held various portfolios. An agriculturist by profession, Shri Arya was an active social and political worker.
  • During his long public life, he was actively involved in social, educational and agrarian activities in his home State.
  • A prominent Kisan Leader, he worked hard for creating consciousness among the workers and peasants and authored the book titled Kisan Union Kyon.
  • He was closely associated with various organisations working for establishment of Panchayat Raj and was founder of Rajasthan Panchayat Raj Sangh. In princely states of Rajputana, which came into existence on 30 March 1949, the farmers were tenants of the land and their condition was deplorable under the exploitation of landlords called Jajirdars, Zamindars and Bishwedars etc.
  • The tenant had no right over the land cultivated by him.
  • He was only the tiller of the soil, but was under the whimsical mercy of those landlords.
  • But the farmers as a class were awakening in Bikaner state under the leadership of Chaudhary Kumbharam Arya and there was turmoil of the tiller demanding, “Land to tiller”.
  • This hostile state of affairs led the newly formed state government to take immediate steps to reconcile the situation.
  • The pressure of protection of the tenants was so immense that the government had to take immediate steps and with this aim “The Rajasthan Protection of Tenants Ordinance, 1949” was promulgated to meet the burning need of the time.
  • The Rajasthan Land Reforms and Resumption of Jagirs Act, 1952 was the landmark in the legal history of land reforms in Rajasthan.
  • The pressure of farmers united under the leadership of Chaudhary Kumbharam Arya forced the state government to promulgate The Rajasthan Tenancy Act, 1955 which became applicable to the whole of Rajasthan.
  • The overriding effect of this Act provided relief to the existing tenants and the rights accrued to tenants accordingly.
  • He also amended the rules of felling trees in favour of farmers.
  • Farmers were not allowed to fell trees from his land.
  • This caused great difficulty.
  • It was he who pressurized the state government to amend the rules and permit the farmer to fell trees from land of his ownership for his own use. Shri Kumbha Ram Arya died on 26 October 1995 at the age of 81 years.ARYA, SHRI KUMBHA RAM (Janata (S)— Rajasthan, Sikar, 1980] s.
  • of Shri Bhaira Ram Chaudhary; b.
  • at Phephana Village Nohar Tahsil, Shri Ganganagar District, June, 1914; Matriculate; m.
  • Smt, Bhudevi Ji; 2 s.
  • and 5 d.; Agriculturist; previously associated with Akhil Bharatiya Deshi Raj Lok Parishad-before independence and thereafter with Indian National Congress; Janata Party; (Rajasthan), 1967; Bharatiya KrantiDal; Bharatiya Lok Dal, Janata Party; presently with Lok Dal (Janata-S); Minister of revenue Bikaner State, 1948; Minister of Health, Police, Minerals and Industry, 1951, Minister of Health and Local Self Government 1954-55 and Minister of Revenue, 1964-67 Government of Rajasthan; Founder, Rajasthan Panchayat Raj Sangh 1957-58; vice President, Akhil Bharatiya Panchayat Parishad, l957-58; Member, (i) Rajasthan Legislative Assembly, 1952–57, 1964–66, (ii) Rajya Sabha, 1960–64 and again, 1969-74. In 2018, Indian Politician and AICC President Mr.Rahul Gandhi mistakenly goofed up while addressing an election rally in Rajasthan, the home state of late Shri.
  • Arya,by calling Kumbhakaran Lift Yojana,on an irrigation project named after the veteran congress leader.
  • The insult though,left people in splits, later got corrected when people in the audience corrected Mr.Gandhi.
  • This incident led to renewed interest in the life of Mr.Arya and Hindu mythological demon Kumbhakarna from Ramayana amongst the fans of Rahul Gandhi

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