William Mirtle, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


William Mirtle

Date of Birth: 24-Dec-1739

Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Profession: explorer

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About William Mirtle

  • William Mirtle (24 December 1739 – c.
  • 1769) was a Scottish mariner and explorer, primarily known for his time with the Bengal Pilot Service (or the Bombay Marine) and the British East India Company.
  • On 22 December 1768, he was granted a coat of arms for “having been on the 7th day of January 1763 taken by a French Squadron cruising off Bengal in the East Indies and by desperate attempt overcoming the crew of the vessel whereon he was prisoner, by which success he regained his liberty and got safe to Calcutta where his critical intelligence of the enemy proved of essential service to the Commerce which the Factory testified by public thanks.
  • After which engaging as a volunteer he served with reputation having likewise had the happiness to succeed in establishing an important fir trade for masts in the interior parts of Bengal with the Mountain Rajas”.

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