Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo

Spanish politician

Date of Birth: 05-Feb-1952

Place of Birth: Marinaleda, Andalusia, Spain

Profession: politician, trade unionist

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo

  • Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo (Spanish: ['xwan ma'nwel 'sant?e? ?o?'ði?o]; born 5 February 1952) is a Spanish politician, labour leader and history school teacher.
  • Since 1979 he has been the Mayor of Marinaleda and since 2008 deputy for United Left (UL) in the Parliament of Andalusia.
  • He is also leader of the party Collective for the Unity of Workers - Andalusian Left Bloc (CUT-BAI), part of UF and the rural workers's union Andalusian Workers Union.Sánchez Gordillo has a long history of participating in militant action for the benefit of Spanish working class.
  • He helped to transform Marinaleda from a town blighted by rural poverty into what Sánchez Gordillo himself and The Guardian have described as a "communist utopia", where since the early 1990s there has been no need for mortgages—the town has "virtually full employment, communally owned land and wage equality".
  • In August 2012 the town had only 5% unemployment, mostly recent arrivals and economic migrants, contrasting with the rest of Spain where unemployment is at 25%, and at 34% in Andalusia.

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