Cristián Patricio Larroulet Vignau (born 1953 in Temuco) was the Minister General Secretariat of the Presidency of Chile under President Sebastián Piñera.
Larroulet graduated from high school at Colegio Sagrados Corazones de Manquehue and he obtained his Business Administration degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and a master's degree in economics from the University of Chicago, United States of America.
Larroulet was a professor at the Universidad Católica, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, and at the School of Economics of the Universidad de Chile.
He was a visiting researcher at the Institute of The Americas, the University of California, San Diego, United States of America.
He was Dean of the Economics and Business Faculty at the Universidad del Desarrollo.
He is currently a member of the Mont Pelerin Society and of the Social Science Academy, Politics and Moral, of the Chile Institute.
Larroulet has experience in the design and implementation of political policies.
He was Chief of Staff of the Treasury under former Minister Hernán Büchi, and was the Executive Director of the Instituto Libertad y Desarrollo.
From that position, he advised the National Congress on a wide range of policy subjects and he is a member of several commissions, such as the one that led to the General Education Law as well as the new Corporate Governance agreement for Codelco.
Larroulet’s contributions have been recognized with distinctions on several occasions, such as Economist of the Year in 2009 by the newspaper El Mercurio.
In May 2010 he was distinguished with the Professional Achievement Award 2010 by the University of Chicago, being the only Latin-American which has received this recognition, granted since 1967.
He has written different academic publications in Chile and abroad.
He is the author of the books “Economics”, published by McGraw-Hill, “Chile, Camino al Desarrollo”, published on 2012 by Aguilar/El Mercurio and "La Educación en la Encrucijada: ¿Estado Docente o Sociedad Docente?", published on 2015 by RIL.