Felix da Housecat, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Felix da Housecat

American DJ and record producer

Date of Birth: 27-Aug-1971

Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Profession: composer, disc jockey, record producer, club DJ

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Felix da Housecat

  • Felix da Housecat (born Felix Stallings Jr., August 25, 1971, Chicago, Illinois, United States) is an American DJ and record producer, mostly known for house music and electro. Felix is regarded as a member of the second wave of Chicago house and has produced an eclectic mix of sound since, from resolute acid and techno warrior to avant-garde nu-skool electro-disco.
  • He gained fame not only via his recordings (under a number of aliases), including Mezcalateer, Thee Maddkatt Courtship, Aphrohead and Sharkimaxx, but also for his ownership of Radikal Fear Records.

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