André Gagnon, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


André Gagnon

Canadian pianist

Date of Birth: 02-Aug-1936

Place of Birth: Saint-Pacôme, Quebec, Canada

Profession: composer, conductor, pianist

Nationality: Canada

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About André Gagnon

  • André Gagnon (born 2 August 1936) is a Canadian composer, conductor, arranger, and actor.
  • He is known for his fusion of classical and pop styles, including compositions Neiges, Smash, Chevauchée, Surprise, Donna, and Mouvements in the disco and pop fields.
  • Gagnon has also composed for television, including La Souris Verte, Vivre en ce Pays, Format 60, Format 30,Techno-Flash, and Les Forges de Saint-Maurice as well as for theatre with such productions as La Poudre aux Yeux, Doña Rosita, Terre d'Aube, La Dame de Chez Maxim's, and Wouf-Wouf.
  • Some of his most notable songs are "Pour les Amants", "Turluteries", and "Mes Quatre Saisons".

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