Death of Daniel Gunther, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Death of Daniel Gunther

Canadian soldier killed in Bosnia

Date of Birth: 13-Jan-1969

Place of Birth: Soest, Free State of Prussia, Germany

Date of Death: 18-Jun-1993

Profession: military personnel

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Death of Daniel Gunther

  • Corporal Daniel Gunther (January 13, 1969 – June 18, 1993) was a Canadian soldier serving with the Royal 22e RĂ©giment as part of the UN Protection Force in Bosnia. His death while on the UN mission in Bosnia led to multiple discussions both in Canada and abroad: caused concern about a ceasefire between Croatian and Muslim forces contributed to a series of debates by parliamentarians and Kim Campbell, Canada's minister of national defence and (eventually successful) candidate for prime minister, about the country's involvement in increasingly violent peacekeeping missions and was the source of a controversy about the lack of public transparency by the Canadian Forces.Gunther was the third Canadian fatality in the Yugoslavia peacekeeping mission, and also the only Canadian soldier killed by hostile fire for the decade between 1993 and 2004 when Corporal Jamie Murphy was killed in Afghanistan in 2004.

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