Bolger of Aurora, Illinois is an author, historian, and retired Lieutenant General (promoted 21 May 2010) of the United States Army.
He currently holds a special faculty appointment in the Department of History at North Carolina State University, where he teaches military history.Lt.
Bolger retired in 2013 from the Army.
During his 35 years of service, he earned five Bronze Star Medals (one for valor) and the Combat Action Badge.
His notable military commands included serving as Commanding General of the Combined Security Transition Command in Afghanistan and Commander of the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan (2011-2013); Commanding General of the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas (deployed to Baghdad, 2009-2010); the Coalition Military Assistance Training Team in Iraq (2005–06); and U.S.
Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations.
He is also the author of books, such as Why We Lost, Americans at War, The Battle for Hunger Hill, and Death Ground.